What this is really about.“What does it matter to you if Trump wins? You’re a white, straight, cis man. You’ll be fine either way.”Oct 30, 2024Oct 30, 2024
About last night…I’ve been making an effort to journal by hand more lately and, for whatever reason, a lot of stuff has been coming out looking closer to…Sep 11, 2024Sep 11, 2024
The Educational Value of Punching NazisAnd as any good teacher will tell you, their classroom, if given enough freedom to design (and sometimes even not), is ultimately a…Jun 6, 2024Jun 6, 2024
Invisible FencesWhen I was in 10th grade, my English teacher put a rather large emphasis on student-generated vocabulary acquisition. This means that our…Jul 1, 2023Jul 1, 2023
A Note For My StudentsIt’s recently come to my attention that some of my former, and perhaps current, students have managed to uncover this blog and all of the…Jun 21, 2023Jun 21, 2023
In Defense of a DegreeThere is this one scene from the Simpsons, countless seasons ago, that I replay in my head probably about once a month: a football player…Apr 10, 2023Apr 10, 2023
When We Were Young (shows didn’t cost $250)A lot has been written about the much ballyhooed When We Were Young music festival, whose innaugural edition came and went in Las Vegas…Oct 25, 2022Oct 25, 2022